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姓     名:王嘉一            职称:副教授         导师级别:硕士生导师       

专     业:  食品科学与工程
















1. 新疆维吾尔自治区天池英才项目,51052300569,非热物理方法对新疆特色水果轻加工和保鲜工艺研究,2023.01-2026.01,80.0万元,在研,主持;

2. 新疆维吾尔自治区高校科研项目,XJEDU2022P007,超声辅助等离子体活化水雾化对新疆白葡萄保鲜效果分析,2022.11-2024.11,5.0万元,在研,主持;

3. 湖南省自然科学基金,2022JJ50208,介质阻挡低温等离子体对鲜切叶用莴苣品质及菌群结构干预作用解析,2022.01-2024.12,5.0万元,在研,主持;

4. 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,20B527,低浓度氯结合臭氧水栅栏技术的构建—以鲜切叶用莴苣为例,2021.01-2023.12,7.5万元,在研,主持;

5. 企业横向课题,家用果蔬清洁消毒产品开发,2021.05-2022.05,20.0万元,结题,主持;

6. 邵阳学院紧缺博士科研启动经费项目,2020.07-2022.06,20.0万元,结题,主持;

7. 新疆维吾尔自治区重点研发专项,2022B02026-3,新疆特色农副产品精深加工关键技术研究,2022.12-2026.12,112.0万元,在研,参与(3/24);

8. 新疆维吾尔自治区重大科技专项,2022A02009-3,核桃粕蛋白质高效提取加工关键技术研究,2022.12-2025.12,448.0万元,在研,参与(7/38)。



任SCI期刊《Frontiers in Nutrition》(IF=6.59)特刊编辑;

任《Postharvest Biology and Technology》、《Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology》、《LWT-Food Science and Technology》、《Separation and Purification Technology》等Top期刊审稿人。



1. Wang, J.*;Wu, Z.,Combined use of ultrasound-assisted washing with in-package atmospheric cold plasma processing as a novel non-thermal hurdle technology for ready-to-eat blueberry disinfection. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2022, 84, 105960. (IF=9.336, 一区)

2. Wang, J.*;Wu, Z.,Minimal processing of produce using a combination of UV-C irradiation and ultrasound-assisted washing. LWT-Food Science and Technology 2023, 182, 114901. (IF=6.056, 一区)

3. Sun, Y.; Wu, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, J.*, Use of aqueous ozone rinsing to improve the disinfection efficacy and shorten the processing time of ultrasound-assisted washing of fresh produce. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2022, 83, 105931. (IF=9.336, 一区)

4. Wang, J.*; Huang, K.; Wu, Z.; Yu, Y., Effects of ultrasound-assisted low-concentration chlorine washing on ready-to-eat winter jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill. cv. Dongzao): Cross-contamination prevention, decontamination efficacy, and fruit quality. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2022, 82, 105905. (IF=9.336, 一区)

5. Wang, J.*; Wu, Z., Combination of ultrasound-peracetic acid washing and ultrasound-assisted aerosolized ascorbic acid: a novel rinsing-free disinfection method that improve the antibacterial and antioxidant activities in cherry tomato. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2022, 86, 106001. (IF=9.336,一区)

6. Wang, J.*; Zhang, Y.; Yu, Y.; Wu, Z.; Wang, H., Combination of ozone and ultrasonic-assisted aerosolization sanitizer as a sanitizing process to disinfect fresh-cut lettuce. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2021, 76, 105622. (IF=7.491, 一区)

7. Wang, J.*; Lei, Y.; Yu, Y.; Yin, L.; Zhang, Y., Use of acetic acid to partially replace lactic acid for decontamination against Escherichia coli O157:H7 in fresh produce and mechanism of action. Foods 2021, 10, 2406. (IF=4.35, 一区)

8. Aihemaitijiang, A.; Ruxianguli, M.; Wang, L.; Wang, J.*, Processing of fresh-cut potato using plasma-activated water prepared by decreasing discharge frequency. Foods 2023, 12, 2285. (IF=5.561, 二区)

9. Wang, J.; Cheng, Y.; Wu, R.; Jiang, D.; Bai, B.; Tan, D.; Yan, T.; Sun, X.; Zhang, Q.; Wu, Z.*, Antibacterial activity of juglone against Staphylococcus aureus: From apparent to proteomic. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2016, 17 (6), 965. (IF=5.924,二区)

10. Wang, J.*; Yu, Y.; Dong, Y., Disinfection of ready-to-eat lettuce using polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride. Microorganisms 2020, 8, 272. (IF=4.167, 二区)

11. Wang, J.; Sun, Y.; Tao, D.; Wang, S.; Li, C.; Zheng, F.; Wu, Z.*, Reduction of Escherichia coli O157: H7, Listeria monocytogenes, and naturally present microbe counts on lettuce using an acid mixture of acetic and lactic acid. Microorganisms 2019, 7 (10), 373. (IF=4.167, 二区)

12. Wang, J.*; Yu, Y.; Dong, Y., Combination of polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride and potassium peroxymonosulfate to disinfect ready-to-eat lettuce. RSC Advances 2020, 10, 40316-40320. (IF=3.119, 三区)

13. Wang, J.; Wang, S.; Sun, Y.; Li, C.; Li, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Wu, Z.*, Reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and naturally present microbes on fresh-cut lettuce using lactic acid and aqueous ozone. RSC Advances 2019, 9, 22636-22643. (IF=3.119, 三区)

14. Wang, J.; Tao, D.; Wang, S.; Li, C.; Li, Y.; Zheng, F.; Wu, Z.*, Disinfection of lettuce using organic acids: an ecological analysis using 16S rRNA sequencing. RSC Advances 2019, 9 (30), 17514-17520. (IF=3.119, 三区)

15. Wang, J.; Liu, D.; Sun, X.; Bai, B.; Jiang, D.; Wu, Z.*, Label-free quantitative proteomic analysis of the inhibitory activities of juglone against translation and energy metabolism in Escherichia coli. Phytochemistry Letters 2016, 18, 55-58. (IF=1.353,四区)

16. Wang, J.; Wang, Z.; Wu, R.; Jiang, D.; Bai, B.; Tan, D.; Yan, T.; Sun, X.; Zhang, Q.; Wu, Z.*, Proteomic analysis of the antibacterial mechanism of action of juglone against Staphylococcus aureus. Natural Product Communications 2016, 11 (6), 825-827.(IF=0.884,四区)



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